Wednesday, November 10, 2004

November 9, 2004

Dad and I went out campaining (to Rocky Ridge) with Greg Melchin this evening. He's seeking his third term in office -- he's very well recieved, and the Conservative party has an approval rating in the high 70%. He'll be easily re-elected.

People are generally pleasantly surprised that a government official would come out to meet them personally. They're pretty impressed to see him running from house to house, introducing himself. He's very friendly, and obviously well liked.

Erin leaves for San Fransisco to visit Keri tomorrow. She's got mixed feelings about leaving the kids. On one hand she hasn't had a single day away from the kids since Gracie was born almost four years ago; on the other, hand it's precicely because she hasn't been away that she's feeling a little hesistant to leave. I'm really glad for her that she'll have a chance to have some genuine, un-interrupted personal time.

Thank goodness that Lara, Cathy and mom are willing to help out a little bit on Friday and Monday.

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