Saturday, November 13, 2004

November 13, 2004

It's Saturday afternoon(almost 1:00 PM), and Matthew went down for a nap about an hour ago. Somehow I managed to feed the kids, get the dishes done and swept/vacuumed the floor -- while both the kids were awake! I tried to put Matt down at 11:00, but he wouldn't go so I took him downstairs and fed him lunch, then tried again.

We're going to go to zoo later this afternoon. That should kill at least 3 hours.

I had lunch with Ryan Taylor yesterday. He's recently moved to Kelowna to pursue a job oppotunity. He's going through a bit of a tough time -- poor guy. I invited him to come to church with me on Sunday, he may very well come.

Last night I joined the Melchin clan for dinner at the Keg to celebrate Lara's birthday. We had a rousing dicussion about politics. I learned that Gerald Melchin ran for public office as a Social Credit candidate some years ago.

We also talked briefly about Rememberance Day and I mentioned that I had seen Saving Private Ryan when it aired on TV two nights ago.

What a tough movie. I've seen it three times now (one of which was in the theater). That night after having seen it in the theater I couldn't speak for several hours. We bought the movie when it was release to video (not with the intent of watching it again, but rather to support the film), and it sat unopened in the cabinet for a couple of years. We pulled it out one night last year and watched it again, Erin couldn't bear to watch it all the way through, so she went to bed ealry. I watched it the third time just the other night (Rememberance Day).

Each time I've viewed the movie, I've been particularly touched by the closing seen where Private Ryan, now an old man, has returned with his family to France. He kneels at the edge of one of the white crosses on what I'm sure was once a battle field, and tries to convince himself that he's lived worthy of the sacrifice that was made on his behalf. When his wife approaches, he holds her by the arm and pleads with her to confirm that he's been a good man, and that he's lead a good life. That scene really touches me -- I can't watch it without welling up. Each time I've found myself asking the same question, and feel ashamed for taking all the blessings of my life for granted.

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