Monday, June 20, 2005

June 19, 2005

Fathers Day today.  I had a nice day — we all gathered at our house for dinner and didn’t do much.  Gracie gave me a mint Aero chocolate bar, and a Canada t-shirt as a gift.  She was so excited. 

Matt was ornery for a good part of the day yesterday.  He’s been very pleasant for the past few weeks, so it was kind of odd to have him so cranky.  He’s utterly obsessed with keys, cars, and car keys.  The first thing he says to us in when he wakes up is a question-esque listing of keys of everyone he knows, “Mimi’s keys?”, “Leela’s keys?”, “Lara’s keys?”… and so on.  To be sure, there is only a few minutes of his waking day where he isn’t holding someone's keys. 

A funny Matt word: “CamaLOWp”, which means either “cantaloupe”, or “candle out” (he’s taken to blowing the candles out) depending on what he’s pointing to.

On Saturday I got to spend some time playing with Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 — awesome!  There is so much to learn — I don’t know how you can learn it all.

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