Thursday, June 23, 2005

23 June, 2005

I would seem we may have entered into a new phase of parenting -- the "kid goes to the park to play all by herself" phase.

I took Grace and Matt to the park tonight, much like many nights before, but this time when we went home, she asked if I would take her back. I replied, as I do most times, that she could go back by herself if she wanted to. Normally, this offer is never accepted -- but not tonight. She said she would go back, and her only request was for a cookie before leaving.

I watched her play from the kitchen window, then I took Matt downstairs to play. The whole outing wasn't more than ten minutes -- which, to be honest was fine by me. Matthew also had a first this evening -- he said his own name with enough announciation, that I could understand clearly. I was very impressed.

I've been listening to/reading "Winning", by Jack Welch -- I'm totally consumed. I very well read, especially in business books... to be sure, but this book is clearly excellent. I'm only half done and I can honestly say I'll going to be a better business person because of it.

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