Thursday, June 16, 2005

June 16, 2005

I took Matt and Gracie to the park after work today. They both hung from the mokey bars -- Gracie ventured to swing from one bar to another (she only did it once, then got a bit nervous). Matt hung, and kicked his feet -- quite remarkable given that he's not quite two years old. He hung for almost a minute before needing some support.

Erin called us in for dinner -- meatballs, of which Gracie ate none, and Matt ate six; that's more than Erin and I ate together. Matt did the same thing a couple of nights ago when we had pasta. He ate an adults heaping plate (more than Erin and I together).

A telephone solicitor called this evening. I've determined that the best response to an unwanted telephon solicitor is simply to ignore him, and tell him about your day, talk about current events, ask him about his family etc. I don't really recall what this fellow was pushing, but it only took me about one minute to have him hang up on me. I wasn't rude, or insincere -- I just started telling him about what's going on in my life. Brilliant!

Melinda is here now doing her laundry. She's been kind enough to bath the kids and let Erin and I clean up a bit.

For the past few nights, Erin and I have been watching Pride and Prejudice in the evening before going to bed. I confess, I quite like the story, and I'm totally into the language. I wish I could speak as elegantly as Jane Austin writes.

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