I took some photos, albeit not very many and not very good ones ... I've published the Heart Creek photoset on Flickr.

The trail was perfect for Matt and Grace -- they really enjoyed themselves. They especially loved the four or five foot-bridges that criss-crossed the river all the way to the trail's end.

The hike couldn't have been more than an hour to the end of a very well groomed/maintained trail, where there was an clearing next to a bend in the creek and a waterfall crevasse.

I was quite proud of Gracie for venturing up with the kids onto a rock ledge about 25 feet above the trail's end. She went up without being coaxed, totally unassisted, and consciously overcoming any fear she normally has of this sort of thing. It was a good confidence builder for her.

Matt on the other hand was half way up the ledge before he was aware of any danger. Thank you Jeff Mysyk for helping him reach the top before I could get there to help.

After some lunch, some of the hikers went on a bit further up a less traveled trail, but a group of us turned around and went back. After the hike, everyone returned to the Tuscany Club for a bit of a BBQ. The whether turned a bit cold, so the picnic broke up just after 5:00 PM.
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