Friday, June 08, 2007

The Ravine After the Flood

On June 6/7 we had over 70mm rain. The city was flooded, lots of damage done (fortunately none at our house). The kids and I had a fun time exploring the ravine. We walked North along the path, rather than south like we normally do, and explored a new bend in the ravine. Check out my Flickr photoset.

Playing in the Ravine

The highlight of the ravine walk was when Matt slipped and fell into the ravine backwards up to his neck. I had to fight the paternal instinct to go pull him out in order get these photos.

Matt Goes Down I

Matt Goes Down II

Matt Goes Down III

The evening ended with a stop at the Gedlaman's house to get some towels, and me carrying both of the kids home -- Matt on my shoulders and Gracie on my back.

Fun night.


D said...

I saw pictures in the news of a house on fire in Tuscany. Was that anywhere near you?

Scott Wolff said...

The house is located about 3 km north of where we live - it was struck by lightning.