Friday, June 30, 2006

Water Water Everywhere

Gracie participated in her kindergarten year end program entitled, "Water Water Everywhere". She was quite nervouse about performing, even to the point where she, crying, told us she didn't want to do it. Erin and I gently insisted, and she did great. My dad took some photos of the concert.

The class spent the year leaning about water, and Gracie would frequently come home saying new words like, "evaporation" or "conservation" or "water cycle". I've got to hand it to her two teachers, Mrs. Jantzen and Ms. Jocelyn -- they were excellent.

Gracie's done kindergarten, and in September off to the new Tuscany School for grade one.


nena said...

Can you believe she will be in grade one? where did the time go? looks like she did awesome, I hope Carson is that brave, When he has to get up there next year. Hope you had a great CANADA DAY!

Melinda Palmer said...

She did great! I was so proud of her I almost cried. I done for when I actually have my own kids