We had a nice time at the
1st Annual Tuscany Ward Corn Bust and Chili Cook-off today. It was an excellent day, and a very well attended event. There were lots of games for the kids, and of course who doesn't love corn on the cobb.

There was also a chili "cook-off" -- I'd guess about 20 people prepared entries, including Erin and I (that is, my contribution was to sign us up, Erin's contribution was to make the chili).
Richard Young performed a magic show, which was very well recieved by all the kids. My hat goes off to anyone who can hold the attention of 75 kids aged 2-18 for 40 minutes. The guy is simply amazing.

After the party, we came home and decided to meet the my folks and Erin's folks for some Dairy Queen. Matt brought his "purse" full of change and bougth pony rides on the mechanical pony for all the kids.
Big day tomorrow -- Gracie's first day of grade 1.