I admit it's a bit strange being at Grandma Gibb's house.. in Cardston rather than on the farm... but oddly enough it feels comfortable. I guess Grandma's house is more about grandma than it is about the house.

We did, however, spend quite a bit of time down at Spring Glen Park and out at the farm, that was great. The kids really enjoyed themselves. The kids were looking forward the running in the races. Matt and Grace both won their respective races. Matt won by 3 or 4 horse lenghts, Graice was leading the pack until the last 5 steps when she looked to both sides and coulnd't see anyone and thought she was doing something wrong so she stopped running. I think she still placed first or maybe second. They were both very pleased.

This year has been quite nice. Matt is now old enough to roam freely about the farm without worrying Erin and me very much. In fact, Matt got on a horse (without Erin or I present) and had a ride with cousin Michelle and uncle Rob. Grace got to ride a horse also.

They also played on the swings, had a hay ride, and did all the other things we would normally do on a July 1st weekend. I quite enjoyed riding the horse also. I got on a couple of times and as I got more comfortable I rode faster.

Dennis Gibb was there and kindly taught me how to drive a team of horses pulling a wagon. That was cool too.

After a full afternoon at the dam, then at the farm, we all mosy'ed over to the Glenwood dairy factory for some ice cream. All 45 of us. We overwhelmed the gal scooping ice cream, so finally mom asked if she wanted some help. The girl politely accepted, and mom and I got behind the counter and started filling orders.
After the ice cream we drove over to the Hill Spring chapel for our annual slide show contest. Brett Gibb won. Dad and I threw in last minute entries. Dad made his earlier in the week using old photos of the gibbs, I put mine together there at the chapel using photos from the day.
By 9:00 PM the kids were so tired we decided to take them home to bed. Matt fell asleep in the car within minutes, Hannah too, but she woke up with a fever. Grace was overtired as she frequently gets on night with so much action. It took her much longer to fall asleep.
On the way home I had to stop the car and take one last photo.